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Flu Season

January 9, 2023

Always... do your own research...!!
and check for any signs of allergy

BioMed Health Center - 1 year ago
video channel owner -- comments:
Hello! And thank you for all the comments.
We are not the most YouTube savvy
(and also very busy with patients)
but for all of you who asked... We use:
5 ml sterile saline
1 drop 3% H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide)
1-3 drops 2% Lugol's Iodine
That's it!
-Drs. Ng & Feagan

comment from FoxyStealth 1 year ago
Dr Mercola says to use a good quality salt, about 1/2 tsp into 16oz distilled water then 1/4 tsp food grade 12% hydrogen peroxide. Other practitioners say to add about 2 drops of Lugols iodine to the nebulizer. Others say to also add a few drops of Doterra Breathe & eucalyptus oil to the nebulizer.

How to use a Nebulizer

How to Use and Clean Your Nebulizer
Atrium Health

from video description:
Dr. Cremers : diluted 5% Povidone Iodine gargles and nose drops
may prevent viral, bacterial, COVID infections

from video description:
Medicated Sinus Rinses (Bactroban, Betadine, ioRinse)
from the video description:
For patients who suffer from recurrent or persistent sinus infections
and those wishing to diminish risk of a viral upper respiratory infections,
medicated sinus rinses can be performed 1-2 times per day.
Under the direction of a physician, such nasal rinses
can be performed with betadine (aka, providone iodine prep solution)
or ioRinse antiseptics which have
both anti-bacterial as well as anti-viral properties
or with prescription bactroban ointment
which is effective against bacterial sinus infections.
Background Info:
Published back in 2004, researchers noted that daily saline nasal spray (plain old saltwater) use appears to significantly prevent symptoms of the common cold (which includes coronaviruses) in a population of otherwise healthy adults [link]. Needless to say, one should avoid sharing the same saline nasal spray bottle.

There is also research that determined 0.23% betadine (aka, providone iodine prep solution) rapidly kills both bacteria and viruses within 15 seconds (in vitro).

Finally, a small study in 2021 suggested that betadine gargles and nasal flushes eradicated COVID in patients who are actively infected within 3 days.

From video description:
How to Gargle With Baking Soda to a Relieve Sore Throat
ehowhealth --Dr. Lynn Anderson, Doctorate of Naturopathy
With a sore throat the environment of the throat tends to be acidic.
To balance this, an alkaline substance is used.
1 teaspoon soda in an 8 ounce glass of warm water, mix thoroughly
then gargle 2-3 times for 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days

Clear phlegm now! how to get rid of sputum:
cold, flu, pneumonia breathing techniques
with thousands of comments saying it works

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