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Balfour Agreement

June 7, 2023

Resource:   wikipedia
Balfour Declaration
archived link

In yesterday's posting about Winston Churchill I mentioned the Balfour Agreement as being of some interest... such as... was Winston also involved in that...? Today... being short of time for retrieving the resources where I gathered my information... again I will write from memory, and know that the information to verify the details of this are available with some effort.

World War I... was a frightful war... with cold... disease... gangrene... poison gas... starvation... altogether a totally miserable event. After some years of this, the armies were worn down... exhausted... and ready to just stop fighting and go home.
But... Germany was standing up better than the Allies.
Was England going to end this... without being totally victorious...? ...
... No.

The United States had not joined in that war in Europe... yet...

By lucky chance... the English were approached by a group who called themselves Zionists and an offer was made. The Jewish group would appeal to the American Jewish communities to demand that the U.S. Government step in and help England be victorious.
They would rally the United States to join the war.

American Jews had prospered well and had wealth and power... and influence. They owned newspapers, too. In return for this effort by the Zionists... England would grant them a parcel of land in Palestine... to create their own homeland... Israel.

The terms were accepted. The Zionists did what they promised and rallied the Jewish communities in America to put pressure on the government to join the war to help England. And the rallying worked... America was aroused to "go help the boys" Over There.

video with war footage... the war cry "Over There"
Singing the song "Over There"

Over there, over there
Send the word, send the word over there
That the Yanks are coming
The Yanks are coming
The drums rum-tumming everywhere
So prepare, say a prayer
Send the word, send the word to beware
We'll be over, we're coming over
And we won't come back till it's over
Over there

Promises were made to American men... to volunteer to join the war...
promises that were broken once they returned.
Oh... there was some protests... but... the soldiers lost...

video of this history
PBS documentary "The Bonus Army"

After Germany was finally weakened and destroyed... all the nations gathered together in Paris to make a big Treaty... to set the boundaries for the new world map. Deals were made between nations... and deals were made with ALL the nations... and by the time it was finished... it was rather complicated. But... where were the boundaries for Israel...?

The Zionists reminded England... of the Balfour Agreement.
After much protesting... a piece of Palestine was chopped off.
However, the creation of Israel required all countries with connected boundaries to agree to this.
They agreed... on the condition that Israel would not seek to expand these set boundaries. Treaties were made... and then later were disputed by Israel as "not valid"... and so Israel took more land than originally it had agreed to take.

From memory... seems there was something about conflicts within the treaties that didn't line up together... or things left undecided...

and then... some Zionist group began a terror campaign in Palestine.
Where d'hell they come from !!
They wanted... MORE !!!


Oh... it just got messy.
That's why I wondered if it was another of Winston Churchill's best hits.
Was there... scheming in the air...? perhaps...?

It's just that...
"the boys" OVER THERE... were ready to go home...
they were all sick of the fighting...
The war could have just ended...
in a draw.

But... America was drawn into it.
It was now a World War...
and... time for a Treaty in Paris...
to re-draw the boundaries of the nations.

Like I said... research this for yourself...

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