Essays Contents

Ron Gibson

May 26, 2023

Ron Gibson - Land Patent Class
video - 6 hour long class

Tribal member, Ron Gibson, teaches us about our rights.
He is a constitutional lawyer who has studied them well.
We have inelienable rights... AFFIRMED in our Constitution.
Ownership of land... is one of those allodial rights...
and land patents protect you from being stripped of your land.

As it stands now... we are only "tenants" on our land.
In 1946, the "warranty deed" was invented...
and the "land patent" issued by the Land Bank... was filed away.
That land patent was promised to the holder...
and all assigned thereafter... ownership... forever.

Mr. Gibson speaks on many subjects... concerning our rights.
Worth a listen.

The first thing he does here... is... honor our veterans.

It is the veteran... not the preacher... who gives us freedom of religion.
It is the veteran... and not the reporter... that gives us freedom of the press.
It is the veteran... not the poet... who gives us freedom of speech.
It is the veteran... not the campus organizer...
who has given us the freedom to assemble.
It is the veteran... not the judge... who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the veteran... not the policeman... who has given us the right to vote.
It is the veteran who gave us the right to salute our flag.
It is the veteran who serves under that flag...
so that we may have freedom.

Essays Contents
