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A Perfect Garden

October 14, 2023

This is Becky & Josh's country home in Washington state.
It is the third home they've had since marrying 8 years ago.
While they lived in previous houses, they improved those properties.
This beautiful acreage needed upgrades and updates and after a year they have done some beautiful things to the house.

A large organic garden was a part of their plan for this property.
They live on a hill and used a landscape designer to build their garden on a hillside... with its wonderful view. It basically resolves all the gardening issues that many gardeners have to deal with... pests, animals, drainage, irrigation... those things that make a garden such a hardship.

This year... was Becky's first harvest in her fabulous garden.

I have some favorite gardening/homesteading channels that I try to follow... and have just discovered her YouTube channel... and have been binge-watching to catch up with her wonderful story. Amazing... just three years into her vlogging... she has 500,000 subscribers. Her fans add to the abundance of information available... with their own solutions... their own recipes and techniques.

For the most part Becky uses "organic" produce and techniques. She knows her plants quite well. You'd want to take notes while watching her videos. She works very hard... and sometimes screws things up... but gets right back in there... solves the issue... and moves on. "That's OK"... she'll say... or... "I've learned more from my mistakes than from my successes."

She's an expert cook... and is always creative with ways to preserve her harvests... and prepare meals in quantity... one for today... one for next time. She will cook and can whole boxes of produce that she buys as "seconds" or "not perfect" from her connections with organic farmers she has met at the Farmer's Markets.

She will dehydrate, freeze dry, freeze to the three freezers they have, or just can the sauces and garden produce in mason jars. There are many new products available now for the long-term storing of food... silicone baggies that can wash in a dishwasher... freezeable and reusable plastic containers... Pyrex baking dishes that can go from freezer to oven without breaking... glass containers with air tight lids. So much available for gardeners and homesteaders to make the most of their work.

Canning food can be intimidating... as Becky says she once was. She was afraid to eat the things she had canned, at first. Now... she follows to a "T" the "Ball Book on Canning" instructions, but this is only ONE way that she preserves food... and makes her own spices... for her family. If her garden is a FAIL... she buys from the Farmer's Markets. If her garden has an overwhelming abundance... she shares that abundance with family and friends... or just... has a party!!

When "Covid" hit, she lost her job as a dental hygienist and began the business... of vlogging!! With great success! She sometimes introduces her family... but has kept her life private and separate from her shows on gardening and cooking. Yes... it is a show... but... it is easy to watch... and is encouraging for those who are just beginning to start their own gardens... and preserve their own food.

What fun it is to dream... right along with her.

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