Essays Contents


May 5, 2024

For me... the English language is... just right...
as Goldilocks might have put it... anyway.
For me... English... seems to welcome all comers.
Our dictionaries are so full of words...
and all the facets of their meanings...
that... a singular, particular facet can be found...
and used to describe refinements of meanings...
and depths of understanding.

If America had been settled by Spain... France... or Holland (the Dutch)...
the populace of the new world...
would look very different than it does.
The world would be conducting its affairs quite differently...
and history could have ended up hitting head on...
into a culture of freedom and liberality... and ugly consequences thereof.
The Spanish language would never accommodate...
such things as... the universality of no genders...
nor France.

Spain and France with their flambouancy and colorful customs...
in a setting of unlimited freedom...
(if our lands would even be in the form of states at all)...
which had mostly been determined by kingship... royal ownership...
... if the culture was NOT english...
would there ever have been a revolt... for independence...

What a wild and wooly nation we might have been... THEN...!!!
The cool, sophisticated customs of the English
suited the need for an honorable... respectful... and lawful society...
in a nation that was inevitably going to be... independent.
Men of daring... with dreams to live FREE... ensured THAT...
and England... had separated from... the Pope.
Religion was open for discussion.

It... was the cool-tempered... English... and even the Protestant churches.
Would the new world be a colony of the Pope... by way of Spain...?
Would the new world be a colony of French revolutionaries...
who would come to end ALL religion... and ALL government...?
or... would the Americans establish a model of justice
based on the precepts of refined laws and standards...
built over time and stability... in England...
... or revert to a submission of servitude to the King.

English... it became.
English... we here... speak...
welcoming all comers...
needing no king.

Essays Contents
